Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Ulysses Chapter One

I've been reading at least two or more pages a day of James Joyce's Ulysses. Ulysses is divided into eighteen "episodes" or really long chapters. And I'm proud to say I made it through the first chapter or whatever you want to call it. Only seventeen more to go! I'm still on pace to finish by the end of April 2020, which is my goal.

I was feeling good about the read until about the last couple of pages of the chapter. Then the narrative began to wobble and phase in and out. This was completely expected. I've been told that the book becomes even more obscure and surrealist as you move along.

I like to consider myself pretty well read, but many of the metaphors are lost on me. I may have to break down and refer to an episode guide as I go along. Still, I'm proud to have made it through the first chapter. But here's the challenge: I've made it this far at least three times before in the past 20 years. It's from here on out that I've gotten bogged down and chucked the whole thing.

But today I start on the second chapter. And I will make it!