Friday, April 12, 2019

The Book Sale

Every year on the second Friday and Saturday of April, our county public library holds their annual spring book sale. Every year I take AP European History Seniors across the street to buy books. It's a treasure trove of literature, both classic and trash. One dollar a book! It happens every spring and for me has become a ritualistic reminder that the end of the school year is less than six weeks away.

Today I only bought three books. But they are weighty books. Big books that have often been intimidating either for their length or difficulty of content. I've read Tolstoy before but never War and Peace. The difficulty of content does not scare me, it's just a long long book. But Pynchon and Proust are infamously difficult to read from what I hear. I've read long portions of Swann's Way in grad school so I know a little of what to expect. I expect both to be more accessible than Ulysses.

But three dollars for these behemoths of literature! What a deal what a steal!

I may take my son over there after school and get some more!