Thursday, March 16, 2006

How to Tick Everyone Off

Here is a link to an excellent speech given by actor Tim Robbins to the National Press Club in Washington D.C.. Although Tim Robbins is one of my favorite actors I don't always agree with his political stances. However he was spot on in this speech regarding his assessment of President Bush's foreign and domestic policies after September 11th. You would expect the left to be critical of George W. Bush. Ironically, now the right is beginning to stir against him (i.e. prominent conservative Bruce Bartlett's recent scathing review of the White House economic policy). Even worse for the President is the fact that even centrist members of his own party are now breaking ranks more often (i.e. voting almost unanimously voting against the Dubai ports deal). It's a pretty impressive achievement to tick off the left, right and center all at the same time.