Wednesday, January 04, 2023

The Discography


Right before the New Year I began working my way through the Wynton Marsalis discography. Despite being a huge fan of his over the last twenty years, there's many many albums of his I have not ever had the chance to listen to. But with Apple Music, I can pretty much listen to any artist's complete released discography. Last year I burned through both Dylan's and Bowie's. Now to Marsalis.

Marsalis is the greatest trumpet player in the history of jazz. That's saying a lot for me because I'm a huge fan of Miles, Clifford, Morgan, Byrd, Dizzy, Chet, Terry, Louis and so many more. But Wynton's breadth of work and mastery of the instrument is beyond compare. I've seen him twice in concert and have left both times a different person. 

I'm currently in his early 90's period. Listening to his Soul Gestures albums. Phenomenal stuff. I'm enjoying this process a lot.