Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Return of The Believer

The Believer was my favorite magazine/literary journal of all time. It was always a momentous occasion when the most recent issue arrived in the mailbox. My last issue came in 2014. 

Well, the publishing business became a very difficult place by the mid-10's and the McSweeneys publishing house had to sell it off. They sold it to a department of UNLV. I stopped subscribing at that point. I would check in on them via their website from time to time but it just didn't quite seem the same.The Believer eventually faded off my radar. I still have every copy of the issues I received before my subscription ended.They are on a bookshelf in my classroom and I would look at them nostalgically wishing the magazine was still in operation.

Last year UNLV suspended operations and sold the rights to an online click bait company. Outrage rose in the literary community. A gofund me was established. Funds were raised. And McSweeneys was able to regain control.

The Believer was back in it's original hands. They are scaling down a bit, only four issues a year. But that gives me time to read the whole issue before another arrives. I was very excited to hear of The Believer's return. So I re-upped, and the first "Homecoming" issue arrived yesterday. 

It looks like nothing has changed. The first few articles I've read have been excellent. The paper is still thick and of high quality. The art is first rate. What a nice resurrection.