Thursday, January 19, 2023


Mainly writing this to have self-documentation for when I started. 

Admittedly my reading of the Bible had become very sporadic over the past couple of years. So, one of my resolutions was to read one chapter a day beginning in Genesis and going straight through. It takes over three years to read the entire Bible at that rate. I've done it a couple of times but it has been a long long time since the last attempt. 

I started on December 31, 2022. So, if I keep up the pace I should be done around March/April of 2026.

Wow. 2026. Jackson will be almost done with his freshman year in college. Ava will be finishing her sophomore year...maybe she even will be in my class that year. Kim may even be retired! Who knows what 2026 will look like.

I look forward to looking back on this post in three years.

It is easy to read right now. Genesis is pretty good reading. It's when you get to Leviticus and Numbers and some of the challenging prophets where things can become difficult to wade through. 

I remember my first read through, when I was in high school. I found the process very rewarding and illuminating. I'm using that same NIV Study Bible my parents got me in 1989.