Saturday, January 14, 2023

Books Read in 2022

These were the books I read in 2022. I enjoyed most of these and would recommend almost all of them. I didn't really enjoy the Hitchens memoir. Infinite Jest was terrible. The Savage Detectives was fine in the first and last parts of the three part book. The middle section lagged for me. 

I'd recommend all the O'Brian Aubrey-Maturin books. They are always fantastic. All the Dave Eggers and Kim Stanley Robinson books make for compelling reading. LeGuin's Lefthand of Darkness caught me off guard with how spectacular it was. It is a must read. 

I was reading Quichotte by Salman Rushdie when word was released that he had been attacked. Rushdie is such a transcendent writer and Quichotte very poignant. 

Also finally got around to reading Dune. That was another great read, far more in-depth in it's mythology than they can possibly put in a movie. 

It was an enjoyable year of reading.