Friday, February 01, 2019

It's Not a Movement without Sacrifice

I saw a social media post the other day that said "wouldn't it be nice if the government paid for adoptions like they pay for abortions?"

I had to shake my head in disgust at the ignorance.

The government pays a lot more to foster-to-adopt initiatives that it does for abortion. It's not even close.

We had no idea how much the government would pay us when we jumped in to foster a child. We did not get into it for the money. But we got paid over $1500 a month from the government to foster one child. Once our foster child is adopted we will still get over $500 a month until she turns 18. She will have free insurance through Medicare. And, the government will pay for her college (including room and board) all the way to a PhD.

Those are pretty big financial incentives the government is providing to foster and/or adopt. A lot more of the government's (your) money goes to foster/adoption initiatives than to abortion. Millions of dollars more.

Once again, the ignorance of many in the pro-life movement is unbelievable. So why don't more families go for it?

Because it's hard. It requires sacrifice. Supporting a movement is easy if it doesn't require sacrifice.