Friday, February 15, 2019

Not an Emergency

Some questions...

Why wasn't a wall built the two years the G.O.P. controlled both houses of Congress? They had the votes.

Why wasn't a wall built with an executive order the two years the G.O.P. controlled both houses of Congress?

If it was such an emergency, why wait two years? Why risk the other party taking the House of Representatives?

If it is truly a national emergency then why wait to declare one until now? Why not two months ago when the infamous Oval Office meeting with Chuck and Nancy didn't go well?

Why not declare a national emergency during the government shutdown?


Because it's not an emergency.

And 45 never really wanted a wall. It was all talk and histrionics to rile up the base.

Now when the "National Emergency" declaration gets shut down in the courts he can say to his base that he fought for it and the Democrats stood in the way. He can blame the other party despite the fact that he had full control of the legislature for two years. He can blame the other party despite the fact that most of the federal judges who will declare his "National Emergency" are Republican appointees.

And is that road you want to go down? Violating the constitution to get around another branch of government?

Will the G.O.P. be okay when the next Democratic president declares climate change, or gun control or abortion rights a "National Emergency?"

Oh, and I thought Mexico was going to pay for it.
