Monday, January 05, 2009

Holiday Highlights

Wow...I'm actually accessing my blogger dashboard from my school computer. Probably shouldn't admit that...but I'm on my lunch hour during a teacher workday. Usually Beijing has me blocked out of blogger. I figured I'd give it a try since sometimes things get shaken up a bit during breaks. Seems some bricks are missing from the Great (fire) Wall.

Highlights from the Holidays...

- 13 straight hours of heavy rain all the way from Tulsa, Oklahoma to French Lick, Indiana. We followed a line of storms across the midwest and the rain never let up...once. I have never driven in rain that lasted so long. But we made it through safely.

- Estimated 36 hours on the road all told. Forney to OKC. OKC to Tulsa. Tulsa to French Lick. French Lick back to Forney. Big Sandy rolled over the 100,000 mark on this trip. I love this truck.

- Jackson handled everything amazingly despite breaking out from an allergic reaction from an antibiodic for an ear infection on Christmas morning. Fortunately my uncle, who's a doctor, helped us immensely. He also got me an OU football with autographs from three of the four living OU Heisman trophy winners and he's got an inside track to get the fourth from Sam Bradford any day now.

- Jackson got to ride in Kimberly's Uncle Scott's Case International Tractor TWICE! He helped Uncle Scott get three bales of hay and feed the cows. Jackson couldn't sleep that night he was so excited.

- Temps in both Oklahoma and Indiana were unseasonably warm for the most part. Our last couple of days got cold up in Indy. When we headed out it was 17 degrees. It was 60 by the time we got to Texarkana.

- Jackson rode the big slides at McDonalds in Marion, Illinois and Chick-Fil-A in Texarkana.

- He also saw a lot of cops in Illinois who I guess were trying to raise future bail money for their Governor Blago.

- Couch surfers we are. Four beds in ten days. Jackson had the same bed all the way through...but in five rooms in ten days. And he slept through every night. The Little Man makes me proud.

- Jackson did get the airplane he had resolutely asked the daycare Santa and anyone else who would listen for.

- Ringo and Simba did not take out their frustration on their abandonment with any "messes." Thanks to Sam, Kristie and my parents for checking up on them.

- Kimberly got to watch HGTV on satellite. I got to watch the Tractor Channel with Vernon on his supercool new t.v.

- Ahhh...there's much more but I'm running out of time. Best thing was safe travel and getting to see the relatives. Now...back to the saltmines.
photo: Taken several years ago in "The Hollar." There was no snow on the ground during our stay.