Saturday, September 07, 2019

The Ulysess Project

Yes, I'm still reading James Joyce's Ulysses. As I mentioned here, I'm still following my planned reading of two pages a day. Originally I was going to be done sometime in April 2020. But I didn't really read my daily two pages much during the summer. So I'm a bit behind schedule, which is not all that unexpected. But today I did make it to page 200. I consider that an achievement worth noting! Only 583 pages left to go!

The writing is still very obscure. It's hard to slog through sometimes. I have been using some online guides to help me along. Because sometimes I have no idea what I'm reading.

One observation of note. This week I came across the word "meh" in Joyce's text. It was also used in the proper context...a statement of apathy. I always believed that meh was invented by The Simpsons. Nope, page 171 of the Complete and Unabridged Text, reset in 1961 of Ulysses.