Monday, September 20, 2010


I saw a student entering my classroom with a book. This shocked me. A student with a book…and not a book assigned by any class. This student is actually reading…get this…wait for it…FOR FUN!?! Unbelievable.

Anyway, I snidely asked the student if her book was about vampires. Seems most of the books my students are reading these days are about vampires…grim, dark-humored emo pansy vampires.

This student recoiled in horror and said, “NO…this book is not about vampires (she said with great indignation). It’s about evil fairies.”

Evil Fairies. I have never heard of evil fairies. And the thought of them scares me. And then I realized I don’t have a class rule against evil fairies. So here you go…another addendum to my class rules…


I hope that clears up any ambiguity about evil fairies in my classroom.


Mr. White
picture: yes...I, Mr. White, created the graphic on this post using microsoft paint. I am awesome. I am a graphic-design master...I am, oh nevermind.