Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Ubermensch

So we were watching this video over Christopher Columbus in my World History classes the other day. And regarding his atrocious treatment of the Native Americans the "experts" threw out the same old tired line that he was simply "a man of his times." This line seems to be the favored line to gloss over the more despicable behavior of our historical heroes.

Well, I think that line of thinking is rubbish. I realize I have the benefit of hindsight and centuries of knowledge before me. I know it's ridiculously easy to hold the past in harsh judgment. But I also realize I too will be judged by future generations.

Great men should strive to be ahead of their times. I'm not referring to subtle distinctions of social mores of certain time periods. I'm referring to man's treatment of other men. We cannot excuse the injustices we commit in the present by later using the excuse we were playing by the social conventions of the day.

God gave us brains. He gave us the ability to think critically. We must shatter the archaic conventions of our day if they perpetuate injustice, prejudice, and violence.

Easier said then done. Difficult at best. But dogma is the enemy of progress. All things must be carefully weighed and considered...all things. Toddlers are asking the right question when they ask 'why' a hundred times a day. Why do we stop asking 'why' once we reach adulthood? Because tired, overworked, exasperated parents beg their inquistive child to just go along so they can have some rest.

One of our great goals should be that if we are to be remembered after we pass on those who follow might say of us "they were not of their times, they were ahead of their time."