One of my favorite 80's movies, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, was on television this past week. I have seen it numerous times...but I had a startling revelation as I watched it again for the umpteenth time. I realized that I have switched sides. I am no longer a Ferris. I am now the boring teacher. I am now the enemy.
Instead of fighting the man I have become the man. I am not raging against the machine. I am the machine. This revelation was shocking and a bit depressing. I must fight to retain my subversiveness. I must struggle to enlighten and not brainwash. I must be a Jedi Master and not a Fascist pig. I must be the student's advocate and not their enemy. I must guide but not bully.
I think I do an okay job in all those areas. But sometimes I wish I could go back and be Ferris again.