Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Lincolns and Cadillacs

You would think that after their scathing defeat at the hands of the electorate that the Republican Party would have gained a sense of humility. It seems, however, that the G.O.P. is as out of touch as usual. The party of Lincoln has truly become the party of Lincoln and Cadillacs...isolated and out of touch with reality. Why else would they elect Trent Lott as their senate leader? Have the Republicans not learned a thing? They are either stupid or arrogant or more likely both.

The Republican party assumes that the American people will have forgotten or forgiven Lott for his racist remarks two years ago. The Republican party is making a serious mistake shooting themselves in the foot this way. The GOP will not win the hearts and minds of the people by following right wing racists like Trent Lott. They must follow a middle course or they will truly become a party of extremists and whackos out of touch with the mainstream. They will be the mirror image of the Democratic party of the 1980's.

With defeated elephants littering the political landscape after last week's massive defeat, which the President described as a "thumping", the Republicans would have done well to show contrition for theie policy failures. Even their staunch allies like James Dobson are accusing them of selling out their base. To rebound the G.O.P. should have eaten their crow, re-evaluated their position and plotted a new course to win back the hearts and minds of America. By bringing back Lott they are exhibiting extreme arrogance and unwillingness to moderate the more extreme members of their party. The Democrats must be secretly rejoicing as the elephant continues to stick it's head in the sand.