Sunday, October 29, 2017

Free Catalunya

I only lived in Catalunya one year, but that year changed everything for me. I had an amazing experience there. The people welcomed me like family. I remain in contact with many of them. If they say they need independence from Spain, I trust them and I will entrust them with my support.

Catalunya has never wanted to be a part of Spain. Catalans speak a different language, have a unique culture and an independent political tradition. They lost their independence in 1714 in the War of Spanish Succession. They backed the Hapsburgs. The Bourbons won. Catalunya lost.

Spain brutally suppressed Catalan culture in the mid twentieth century under the fascist regime of Generalissimo Franco. Even the Catalan language was banned.

I believe that Catalunya would have been willing to remain a part of Spain if it wasn't for the steady eroding of Catalan autonomy as promised in the new Spanish constitution following Franco's death. Catalunya is the largest economic engine in Spain. And they are being over-taxed by the Madrid based government. And when the Catalans tried to vote peacefully on an independence referendum, the Spanish brought out their jack booted thugs and attacked unarmed people.

Catalunya is not like Scotland or Texas. They are genetically and linguistically distinct from Spain. They have a unique historical identity. They deserve sovereignty.