Friday, January 09, 2015

2015 Resolutions

I like to make New Years Resolutions. I know some people argue against them saying they bring nothing but shame when people inevitably fail at achieving their resolutions. But I like making goals for the new year. Having goals written down keep me accountable. I don't always achieve every single one, but I don't beat myself over the head too badly for failing to meet them. Resolutions have been a positive thing in my life and I've accomplished a lot more because of them. They focus me and give me direction. So yes, I do have a list of resolutions for 2015 and I refer to them throughout the year to stay on track. I also add and amend my goals if life changes direction.

Above is a screen shot from Jim Wallis's Facebook page. He had posted a series of resolutions for 2015. I particularly like this post. I'm on board with all of them.