Friday, March 10, 2023

17 Daves Ago

One of my favorite podcasts is The RobCast hosted by Rob Bell. Above is a photo I took when I saw him a year ago in Dallas. I always find Rob Bell's words encouraging. 

His most recent podcast episode, "That Was 13 Robs Ago," is a nice reminder not to be so hard on our past selves. We are constantly evolving as people and in many ways we are not the same people as we were a week ago, or months or years ago. 

It's healthy to look at our past selves and realize that we have grown since then. Often we have to forgive our past selves and cut them some slack. There other instances where we should embrace that past self as a product of that time, take joy in that past self of that time but realize we have indeed moved on. 

Like everyone I sometimes cringe at who I once was. I think about the things I've said, the beliefs I once held dear or the way I treated people and shudder. I've been blogging here for 17 years and I look back at some of my posts and go ugh! I definitely feel that way when I read some of what I wrote for my high school and college newspapers or old term papers. On the flip side there are times I read something and ask whatever happened to that guy? 

Bell suggests we get into the habit of saying "that was 7 or 12 or 20 me's ago." The number doesn't even really matter. He says have fun with it. Say it in an affectionate matter. Don't wallow in your past deeds. Recognize who you were once were. Acknowledge that you are a different person. That was you in a different context. Sometimes you made mistakes. Sometimes you did good things. 

But the important thing is not to be so hard on yourself for things you did in the past. Ask for forgiveness if necessary. Recapture good things you may have lost in time. But always keep in mind that was 17 Dave's ago. You are a different Dave (fill in the blank) now.