Thursday, March 04, 2021

The First Shot


Finally got my first shot of the Moderna Covid Vaccine. Despite being a teacher I was not on any priority lists. I had registered but never received the call. But then on March 2 our tool of a governor announced that he was declaring Texas 100% open. He was opening all businesses to full capacity and removing the mask mandate. Of course he did this on Texas Independence Day. And he did it at a Mexican restaurant.

This announcement came out of the blue. Everyone was shocked. It just didn't make any sort of medical sense. Texas currently ranks 48th in the U.S. in percentage of population vaccinated. Why would Abbott do this now? Well, it soon became transparently obvious. Abbott is trying desperately to deflect attention from his terrible job in handling our electrical grid during the Ice Storm two weeks ago. 

Such a political move is cynical even by modern standards of political malfeasance. This decision went against the advice of all medical experts. But it mollified his radical base as he's getting ready for a run for re-election next year. 

With the creeping realization that the masks may soon be coming off I realized I need a vaccine and I needed it quick. When I got home at 4:45 pm I checked my school email for some odd reason. And there was an email from our school superintendent saying that the county's vaccine hub had some extra doses if you could get there by 5:00 pm. I live about 15 minutes from the hub and I immediately drove like Batman to get there. I made it to the Vaccine Hub by 5:01 but they still had some doses and I got my shot with no hassle. 

Whew. What a relief. Now I have to wait until the end of the month for the second shot. I called my Mom and she and my sister got their shot the next day at the same hub. My wife also went during her lunch break the next day and got her shot. All a relief. 

Then last night our superintendent emailed that the governor had put teachers on the priority list for vaccines and they were trying to arrange for an employee vaccine event after Spring Break. But it's a lie. Abbott did not put us on the priority list. The Federal Government changed their rules at the direction of President Biden to put teachers higher up on the list. Biden, not Abbott. Geez, these crazy Texas Republicans won't give Biden credit for anything. They'd rather give it to the guy who did nothing to help Texas prepare for a terrible Ice Storm and then never cared to put teachers on the vaccine list. 

Well, at least I got my first shot.