Friday, September 18, 2020

At Home Learning

I took the day off today to see how my kid's At-Home Learning was going. Due to the amount of Covid cases in our county we elected to have our kids start the school year with the Remote Learning option offered by our school district. As a teacher I had a first hand view of how chaotic the beginning of the school year was going to be. I wanted my son and daughter to avoid that chaos and start at home until hopefully the chaos would settle down. 

The year did indeed start out chaotically and I'm glad we made this choice. Our school district did make it tough for people to choose at-home learning. If a student chose at-home learning they are prohibited from participating in athletics the rest of the year. 

Fortunately my Mom and Mother-in-Law, both retired teachers, were willing to facilitate the online learning for our kids. They alternate days coming to our house to supervise their progress.

The year has settled into a rhythm and now we will soon have to decide if the kids return to campus for the second quarter or continue with virtual learning. Despite numerous class re-locations, a few quarantines and a few positive cases, for the most part the year has hit a groove. Of course, that could change in a minute. That's the mantra for the year: expect the unexpected.