Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Hot Chocolate Days

We had a good holiday season and a nice sabbatical from blogging. We were busy with all sorts of fun activities. Celebrated Christmas at home. Headed up to Indiana to celebrate some more. Made it back on New Years Eve. Still had a few days to rest and get reloaded. Today we're back at the grind. Got to make the most of it. Only 18 more weeks left in the school year!

During the break, my daughter decided to run a Hot Chocolate Stand in front of our house. She wanted all proceeds to go to the local animal shelter. She conceived and executed her vision with very little assistance from us. Her big brother did agree to help her run the stand. She made $21 in an hour! That was a much bigger take than I was expecting in that we live on a quiet street on a horse shoe road so we don't get much traffic. She was excited and they had a lot of fun.