Friday, January 26, 2018


I made some resolutions for 2018. Already some need to be adjusted.

5 minutes of foreign language study every day via the DuoLingo app. Right now doing French since we're going to Paris later this year. Will go back to Spanish when we get back from France.

10 minutes of meditation daily (yes, a lifesaver. Every day at lunch)

Read 12 books (got one down now on my second)

See 12 movies at the theater. (nothing yet)

Write 12 Poems (got two under my belt already for January)

40 sit ups a day. Yeah, have already missed a few days. But have been pretty consistent.

20 push ups a day. Yeah, this one has been a struggle to do every day.

Bike/run/walk 30 minutes, 3 times a week. Was doing pretty good until the temps got into single digits. But have been riding the bike pretty regularily.

Play a musical instrument one time a week. (Yes on the guitar, no on the trumpet so far in 2018)

Listen to a record on the turntable once a week. (Yep, so far so good)

Watch 12 pre-1970 movies. (got one old Bogart movie, Across the Pacific)

Write 25 pages on the novel. (Yeah, got to get on this)

Give blood 3 times this year. (not eligible until Feb since I gave in December)