Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hunting Modern Day Benedict Arnolds

Today the Yanks play England in the World Cup. Hoping that some of that 1950 mojo finds it way to the current squad. During the reading I saw several guys throughout the week wearing England soccer jerseys. Finally I got fed up and began to call them on it. I told three different guys "Dude...any other time of the year that would be a cool jersey to wear...but we are playing those guys in a week. You gotta represent the USA...otherwise you're just a Benedict Arnold."

Most responded that come game day they'd be sporting an American kit. Except for the last soon as he talked I knew this was a different story...He was an actual Brit. I said "that's're an authentic...but I still hope we kick your rears just like we did in 1783." Only at a WHAP reading would you trashtalk using historical references from 200 years ago.