Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Winds of Texas

Big wind storm blew in Monday night. At 3:00 am I heard a loud crash on the roof and this terrible banging noise repeating over and over. I ran outside into the maelstrom to find my attic exhaust fan ripped off the duct. There was nothing I could do in the middle of the wind storm, fortunately it wasn't raining. But I had to hear that turbine banging and banging the rest of the night. The next day I climbed up and found the turbine in terrible shape. Screws shorn away and bearings missing. I will have to replace it, an easy enough job.  But the wind was still blowing and the roof still slick. I just pretended I was on Everest. I made a cardboard cap for the duct. Put two thick plastic bags on top of the now covered duct and taped it down tight. That was a mighty wind.