Monday, March 30, 2020

The War Room

This is our war room. Looks like something out of The Matrix.

Today our school district extended our shut down indefinitely. I would have never imagined this at the beginning of the school year. Just unbelievable. I have been learning how to be a remote educator on the fly. I've learned that Zoom is a much better platform than Google Meets. I'm very glad I already had a YouTube Channel set up. I'm thankful for good internet service.

So when that photo was taken above, Ava was studying math on Prodigy. Jackson was in his room participating in a Zoom chat with his Robotics class on his phone. Kim was recording a short video for her students on her YouTube Channel. I was prepping presentation slides for my online Zoom class sessions tomorrow.

It has been a weird time. Thanks for family, a home, WiFi and Netflix!