Thursday, April 16, 2009

You kiddin' me?

As a proud American I am shocked and appalled that my governor would ever make the treasonous suggestion that my state secede from the United States of America.

Two possibilities here...

1.) Rick Perry is an idiotic loon who truly does not understand that the American Civil War closed Texas's loophole in having the option to bail out of the Union. That he doesn't understand the catastrophic effect that secession would have on the Texas economy.

2.) Rick Perry is a lying demogogue, doesn't really believe in secession and is cynically pandering to the extreme right wing in Texas before he faces off against Kay Bailey Hutchinson in a nasty gubenatorial Rebublican Primary coming this November. Perry is trying to paint Hutchinson as a Washington insider and hopes to gain traction with the militia-gun show crowd.

He's smelling desperate. He knows he won the last election with only 32% of the vote. Most registered Republicans actually voted for independent Carole Keeton Strayhorn. If Kinky hadn't have run and Chris Bell not gained some Obama tailwind...Perry would have lost...and lost badly. Who wins an election with only 32% of the vote? Only in such a divided field could a moron like Perry win office. He gives Aggies a bad name.

Even most Republicans can't stand the guy. Every teacher in Texas (conservative or liberal) want him run out of the state on a rail.

With these recent statements I think he should brought up for impeachment for treason against the United States. Please believe me fellow Americans...not all of us living in Texas hate the U.S.A.. Please ignore the crazed ramblings of our deranged fool of a governor! At this rate I'd bring Duyba back as guv in a heartbeat.

I think the Gettysburg Address pretty much covered the idea of did Dwight Eisenhower when he sent the Guard into Little Rock. And Perry didn't complain when the feds gave him $65 Million in hurricane assistance. Hmmmm....