Well, after the debacle of discovering I had been reading an abridged edition, I started War and Peace again. This time I went with the Maude translation. And yesterday I finished Book One which my Kindle tells me means I'm about 10% through. Still a long way to go...probably about 900 pages to go! But I will celebrate my achievement nonetheless. One hundred pages of Russian literature is nothing to dismiss. And I am actually enjoying the process now. Translation makes such a difference. Not only was the Kropotkin version an abridgement, it was far less readable than Tolstoy's approved translation by the Maudes. I'm actually reading more than the 2-5 pages a day I originally set out to read in my long-term fashion. Shouldn't surprise me too much, I really liked Anna Karenina and Tolstoy's short stories. He's an amazing author.
Various ramblings and thoughts that lunge themselves into my field of consciousness.