Thursday, March 30, 2006

Protesting for Protest's Sake

I live and teach in Texas. A sizable minority of my students are Hispanic. I believe in the right for people to protest. But the student walk-outs by Latino students in Dallas and around the nation are hurting the Hispanic cause. The vast majority of students interviewed had no idea what they were protesting. They were completely ignorant about the proposals on immigration reform currently floating around Washington. They were just looking for an excuse to get out of school.

Many of the people who needed the instruction time the most were the ones protesting. They completely disrupted the educational process for the thousands of students who stayed in school. This type of protest will not win them sympathy and ultimately will undermine their cause. I believe that immigrants who fill out the paperwork, follow visa guidelines, pay taxes, and follow the law should be given a chance to become an American citizen. After all, this nation is a nation of immigrants.

But to carry Mexican flags and shout "viva Mexico" only serves to alienate those who could be a potential source of support. Immigrants who wish to win support should demonstrate their willingness to work within the system. They would be better off carrying American flags (as a few did) and at least trying to learn English. They also would show their true committment to the cause by researching the issue and showing up to this weekend's well-organized and legally planned demonstration in Dallas. I'm not saying they should give up their cultural heritage...but if they want legal recognition in this nation...they need to show they are committed to following the legal processes of the United States of America.