Saturday, January 25, 2025

There's Only One Noon Yeah

As I mentioned in a previous post, I was dubious about reading the first book of Rob Bell's Where'd You Park Your Spaceship?: Welcome to Firdus. Rob Bell is now writing science fiction? But, his works have impacted me so much over the years that I gave him the benefit of the doubt and dove in. And it was fantastic.

Literally a few days after I finished his follow up, Book 2: There's Only One Noon Yeah was announced. I put it on my Christmas list. Started reading it a couple of weeks ago, slowly so I could truly enjoy it. Again, I was a bit dubious. Surely Rob Bell would not strike SciFi gold again? 

But oh man, I loved this book as well. Just hits you so hard. I almost want to go back and read Book 1 again even though I just read it a few months ago. Rarely do books capture me like that. 

This is a prequel of sorts, actually a concurrent story giving the back story of a major character who only drops in near the last third of Book One. Poignant and powerful, words I used to describe Book One. I use those same words for Book 2. Great stuff.