Saturday, March 02, 2024

Texas Independence Day

Today is Texas Independence Day. The celebration of this day troubles me because why did the Texians want independence from Mexico in the first place? The reasons are many but the desire to continue owning slaves seems to be a driving force. The Texas settlers came to Mexican territory under a specific set of agreements. I’m not saying that Mexico kept all their agreements but the fact was that the land upon which the settlers lived was Mexican territory. Many of the signatories of the Declaration were in Texas illegally anyway. 

Plus, there is an extreme wing of the GOP who desires secession today. Those who control the levers of GOP power in Texas have never condemned these extremists. In fact, they often support the idea with veiled references and not so vague asides. They use these celebrations to further their cause to support a betrayal of the United States of America. 

So it all seems like good clean fun. Our town is even hosting a celebration today. But if you look under the surface, not all is what it seems.