Friday, April 26, 2019

More Book Stuff

I've been talking a lot about Ulysses lately but it's not even my main read at the moment. I'm actually only reading about two to four pages a day of Ulysses. Right now my main read is High Fidelity by Nick Hornby. I'm really diggin' it. I'm about a third of the way through.

Here's what I've read and finished so far in 2019...

Eleanor Rigby by Douglas Coupland (I really liked this one, one of my fave Coupland books. Lots of emotional depth. Funny, witty and absurd. )

Lake Success by Gary Shteyngart (Liked okay. Enjoyed some of his other works a lot more. Did enjoy the topicality of the narrative.)

Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis (This I read out loud to my daughter at bedtime. I've read it several times in the past four decades. Really caught my imagination as a kid. Now, I find it one of the weaker entries of the Chronicles of Narnia.'s a good book.)

Shame by Salman Rushdie (Wow. Great and powerful book. Rushdie is a master)

The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell (Mixed emotions on this one. My least favorite Mitchell book...but he has such amazing skill as a writer that that's not a real criticism. It's still a better read than most books by amazing authors. Some segments are super powerful and emotionally wrenching. But the supernatural premise is hard for me to take seriously.)

Miss Wyoming by Douglas Coupland (Another Coupland! A good entertaining read that I enjoyed thoroughly. I didn't connect emotionally as much with this one as I have with some of his other works. But this is good stuff.)

Shakespeare and Company Paris: A History of the Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart by Various Contributors including Sylvia Whitman. (A beautiful biography and history of the most famous book shop in the world. Great photos, sketches, poems, and vignettes. It was even more compelling since I had actually been there. This is a treasure of a book.)