Friday, November 07, 2014

Front Loaders

So yesterday I was sick. I called in to work, went to the doctor who found I just had some virus...nothing serious. Well, I had the rest of the day to rest, nap and catch up on Netflix. Watched episodes of Portlandia, Breaking Bad, Mad Men and Miami Vice. Yes, Miami Vice.

I'm watching an episode of Miami Vice, from season one (circa 1984) when the following exchange takes place...let me set the scene first.

A drug deal is being negotiated. However, the buyer isn't too keen on the deal. The seller decides to sweeten the deal.

"How bout I throw in some high-end VCRs?"


"Of course! Only the best!"

"Okay, let's do it."

VCRs to sweeten a drug deal? Man, I miss the 80's. Yeah, those top-loading VCRs were so ghetto.