Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Da Vinci Crap

Christians who simply dismiss The Da Vinci Code as mere fiction are deluding themselves. There is a subtle, yet important, difference between a fiction and a lie.

Fiction is simply something that did not happen. Webster's Dictionary defines fiction as "something made up."

A lie as defined by Webster's is... "to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive. To create a false impression. A deliberate telling of an untruth."

Lies are malicious. And that is what the DaVinci Code is. A malicious deception. The DaVinci Code in book form is libel. The DaVinci Code on screen is slander.

The book makes the unfounded accusation that Jesus Christ had a sexual relationship with Mary Magdalene. This is not only heresy...it's blasphemy. Any Christian who has any respect for Christ will not pay money to support this movie or book and thus support this heresy.

The book also claims certain things as fact (example: that it is fact that a group called the Priory of Scion exists)...none of which are true. The author deliberately fuzzes the line between fact and fiction. He is intentionally trying to mislead those ignorant of the Gospels and Christian history. And any Christian who pays to see this movie or read this book perpetuates the deception. This is not mere entertainment.

This book, claiming certain elements of its fictional story as fact, lies about Christ, The Council of Nicea, Opus Dei and the Roman Catholic Church. It contains shoddy scholarship and deliberate falsehoods.

And I'm sorry, but any Christian who supports the cause of Dan Brown's The DaVinci Code, supports something that is anti-Christian.

Fortunately the message of Christ can withstand any and all attacks. But I urge all Christians who read this to not allow themselves to be used by something that is meant to attack that which they believe.