I'm a teacher and I believe in order and discipline so individual expression can have a safe place to blossom without spiraling into anarchy. But sometimes...especially when my classes are studying Hitler and Mussolini...I wonder if I belong to a system with fascist tendencies.
Here are some of the major characteristics of fascism...
1.) Glorification of the State (school spirit anyone?)
2.) Emphasis on conformity (school uniforms/dress code come to mind?)
3.) Power in the hands of a central authority (Who's in charge in my classroom? My students certainly know.)
But...we are in school and these are kids. They are not adults...yet. Kids should be able to express themselves...within certain guidelines. They have to be shown the way to express themselves without trampling on the rights of others to do the same. If there were no order there would be chaos. And true education and enlightenment could not take place in anarchy.
So I guess educators need to be benevolent dictators like Cincinattus who guided his people in the right direction...then released the reins when they were ready. There are too many of my colleagues who forget that student enlightenment is the ultimate goal. They discipline for discipline's sake. They forget the fact that discipline should guide the student along a certain path. Consequences should be used to create good choices. Discipline should not just be about punishment.
Dictators? Or Jedi Masters? Jedi Masters definately.