Friday, March 03, 2017

Last Soccer Night

This is my last night to work soccer. For the past seven seasons I've served as the P.A., scoreboard operator, music supervisor and ran the clock for the Kaufman Soccer Program. I've had a lot of fun calling goals in the spring. It's been a fun gig.

But these late nights are wearing on me. And I'm missing a lot of my son's practices and events due to soccer nights. I figured it's about time to hang up the mike. Plus, they are getting a brand new press box for the stadium this summer with a new sound system and scoreboard. I really don't want to have to learn a brand new system when I'm kind of ready to give it up anyway.

It was a good seven years. I had fun watching more than 100 soccer games over the years...and I got paid to do it! Part of me will really miss it. But it's time.

"Welcome to Lions Stadium. It's Soccer Night in Kaufman, Texas."