Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Don't call me mean! I'm above average!

We always think political rhetoric gets worse as the years go by. Huckabee last week had to back track when he hinted that Obama had grown up in Kenya. But THIS article humorously takes a look at the bi-partisan acrimony that has existed sense the beginning of the American Republic. Some interesting blurbs...

Chester Arthur was accused of being born in Canada therefore being ineligible to run. (sound familiar?)
Andrew Jackson accused John Quincy Adams of being a pimp for the Russian Tsar.
Adams supporters accused Jackson of being a murderer, a polygamist and son of a prostitute.
Martin Van Buren accused William Harrison of being being a drunk.
Thomas Jefferson alluded to John Adams being a secret monarchist.
Alexander Hamilton accused James Monroe of being an adulterer.
Aaron Burr murdered Hamilton in a duel.
Grover Cleveland was accused of fathering an illegitimate child with a prostitute.
LBJ said Goldwater would nuke the world.
JFK was taking orders from the Pope.

And there's more. Nice to know that we've always been viscious in our political debates and that it's not a new thing.