Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Christian...or Christianist?

Andrew Sullivan of Time magazine has written an excellent essay about how many Christians feel their religion has been hijacked by the radical right and Christian fundamentalists. He uses the term Christianist to differentiate between those who are Christian and those who have allowed Christianity to become corrupted by politics, greed and intolerance (i.e. Pat Robertson, Tom Delay, Jerry Falwell and yes, unfortunately, James Dobson who I believe was a great Christian counselor who was corrupted by his far-reaching influence).

I don't agree with all that is in the essay. I don't feel comfortable using Christ's name to describe people who act in ways anti-thetical to His teachings. I would prefer the term pharisee. But the essay brings up interesting points...many of which I do agree with.

Here's the essay...

Are you a Christian who doesn't feel represented by the religious right? I know the feeling. When the discourse about faith is dominated by political fundamentalists and social conservatives, many others begin to feel as if their religion has been taken away from them.